Den’s Blog
255 subscribers
45 photos
164 links
Редкие, но любопытные находки, ссылки и статьи. Автор @dentalala. Веду @showroompodcast и делаю @rucastclub.
Download Telegram
macOS, бесплатно
Для любителей скрупулёзной организации. Почему-то я никогда не пробовал организовать файлы на маке с помощью встроенных тегов, как будто обычных папок и так хватало. Но теоретически теги мне нравятся.

iOS, бесплатно / $7
Программа для отслеживания новых релизов у музыкантов из вашей медиатеки. Рассчитана на работу со стримингом Apple Music, но почти нормально работает и с локальной медиатекой (мой случай).

Batteries for Mac
macOS, 11 €
Показывает цветной индикатор аккумулятора макбука так же, как теперь можно настроить в iOS — с процентами и цветом. После триала программа не показывает все ваши блютус-устройства в выпадайке, но симпатичный индикатор остаётся.

Mission Control Plus
macOS, 11 €
Добавляет в Mission Control возможность закрывать окна кликом по крестику. Мелочь, а приятно.

iOS, бесплатно
Странный браузер для айфона, предлагающий смотреть на сайты боком, даже если у вас отключён поворот экрана. Очень редко такое бывает нужно, но вдруг вы как раз его и искали.

Diffusion Bee
macOS, бесплатно
«Рисующие» нейросети уже какое-то время назад стали доступны всем, а не только избранным по инвайтам. Эта программа — пример графического интерфейса для такой нейросетки, которая запускается локально на вашем компьютере. На мой взгляд, работает сильно хуже своих «облачных» аналогов, ну, оно и понятно, там и мощности, и датасеты для обучения другого масштаба.

И ещё пара интересных ссылок:

In-App Browser Check
Инструмент для нахождения javascript-кода во встроенных в разные программы браузерах. Подробнее об этой проверке на (не)добросовестность тут:

Privacy Not Included
Каталог Мозиллы, в котором разным приложениям и сервисам присвоены рейтинги «приватности». Можно посмотреть, кто собирает в своих базах каждый ваш чих, а кто — нет.

🧶 Den's Blog#usefulapps
iOS, free while in beta

The best Mastodon client for iOS made by creators of awesome Tweetbot. It's not easy to get into its beta, but developers promise to release it publicly soon. So, one link is to the official website, another one is to the beta in TestFlight.

macOS, free
A desktop client for a strong and independent decentralised Mastodon. Right now it has its many flaws, but I hope it will get better. At least, until we get Ivory for Mac.

For the very beginners, Paul Stamatiou wrote a very detailed Mastodon overview. Subscribe to my Mastodon!

macOS, free
Mac app that uses OpenAI's Whisper tech to transcribe audio to text. It works with audio files or you can just dictate. I tried it with different samples and the result is impressive. Though, you still need to edit a transcription manually because it makes a lot of mistakes.

macOS, free
This app lets you read and answer to reviews left by your app's users.

Web, free but will be very paid
This service is kinda a Twitter-style feed but only with screenshots of your colleague's designs. It's intended to be used internally to share design updates. I wanted something like that for a long time ago, tbh.

My Pod
iOS, free

The app that imitates iPod Classic on your iPhone. Download it while it's in the App Store, I guarantee that Apple will take it down. And check out its haptic clicks, feels so good and exactly like on a real iPod!

Music Remote, Music Widget, Music MiniPlayer
macOS, free
Three fun retro-styled “widgets” to control music that plays in iTunes.

🧶 Den's Blog#usefulapps
iOS, macOS, free
I've already recommended nice apps for Mastodon in previous episode of #usefulapps, but this one is also very, very nice. The best feature of Mammoth is customizability of literally anything. Settings section is huge, and you can not only change the app's icon and color tint, but for example hide search bars on every screen (what I did).

macOS, free
New Rafa Conde's app for saving settings of your Dock in macOS depending on which screen you see it (read: external monitors). Might be useful if you're connecting your MacBook to many different displays or just one at your work place.

macOS, 12 €
Another window manager but this one is with nice user interface and a beautiful app icon made by Yannick Lung.

iOS, macOS, watchOS, free+
Cheatsheet lets you save short texts that you can quickly enter anywhere with a third-party keyboard. It has the level of simplicity that I like in apps.

iOS, free
Tiny app made by Daniel Eden that shows birthdays or other significant events in one list or in home screen widget.

macOS, free
This utility app lets you control the brightness of Mac's screen more precisely than macOS itself. Thanks Evgeniy who found it!

Den's Blog#usefulapps
I recommend here interesting apps and utilities mostly randomly, but this time we have a topic: internet hygiene. There are plenty of apps that help to make internet more convenient for us, we just rarely use it for some reason. Here are some apps that fix problems you encounter every day.

macOS, free
Quitter is a Mac app that automatically hides or quits apps after periods of inactivity. It’s great for minimizing distraction from social apps like Twitter and Slack, news readers, or even your email app.

Crossplatform, free
Creating a Plex mediaserver never worked for me, it is just too complicated. And Plex itself looks like a programming IDE. Recently I had to find a solution and I’ve found one! It’s free and open-source media server Jellyfin. Give it a chance.

Eat the Shorts
macOS, $2
Tired of seeing a mass of YouTube Shorts every time you open YouTube? Browse YouTube as it should be, simply long form videos that you want to see. Block YouTube Shorts quick and easily with Eat the Shorts. Hide Shorts from your subscriptions, from channels and even browsing.

Minimal Twitter
macOS, free
Not that I care about it anymore but some people still do. This app allows you to customize your Twitter experience: hide view counts, remove “For you / Following” tabs, remove Trends sidebar, customize Timeline width, remove promoted posts, remove “Who to Follow” and other suggestions, etc.

One Thing
macOS, free
This tiny but beautiful utility just adds any text or character in the menubar. That's it.

Pure Paste
macOS, free
Force macOS always strip down text styles when you copy–paste. I needed that a long time ago. Quality of life improvement!

Next 4 apps are made by the same developer Jeffrey Johnson. Our tastes in the internet of today match perfectly.

macOS, $10 ∙ iOS, $8
A web browser extension that stops web site annoyances and privacy violations.

Tweaks for Twitter
macOS, $5 ∙ iOS, $5
A web browser extension that improves the user interface of Twitter in many ways. Similar to Minimal Twitter (see above) and paid. But good.

Link Unshortener
macOS, $8
Link Unshortener is a Mac app that expands shortened web links, following redirects until it reveals the destination URL. Never again click a link before you know where it's going!

Stop the Mac App Store
macOS, free
Stop the Mac App Store is an app for macOS 11 or later that automatically handles Mac App Store URLs instead of App Store app. If you allow Safari to open a Mac App Store URL in Stop the Mac App Store, the app's page will then open in the App Store. This lets you stop App Store from automatically opening.

Den's Blog#usefulapps