Safle Official Announcements
4.69K subscribers
195 photos
31 videos
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322 links
Safle is a next-gen multichain, non-custodial wallet and self-sovereign identity protocol built to provide Safest & Simplest on-chain user experience.

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Attention SafleNauts! Time to get the creative juices flowing once again.👨🏽‍🚀📢


Come up with creative & informative infographics 🖼 about Safle and get rewarded for your creativity.

💰1st Place $200
💰2nd Place $150
💰3rd place $100
💰4th place $50
💰5th place $50
💰5 lucky winners win $10

🧩 Things you can cover in your Infographics?
What is Safle? SafleID, SafleVault, SafleKeyless, SafleDAO, SafleNode, etc.

Offensive content will be disqualified❗️


Follow both Safle TG channels.

@GetSafle on Twitter.

Submit your masterpiece straight to our
Twitter handle & tag 3 friends. Include #GetSafle #SafleInfographicsContest

All the best! 🧿

Safle 🔗

Website | GitHub

Discord | Twitter | Instagram | Telegram Ann | Telegram Chat | LinkedIn | Medium

To all the WINNERS of the

💰 1st Place $200 - Tahira Siddiqi
💰 2nd Place $150 -
💰 3rd place $100 -
💰 4th place $50 -
💰 5th place $50 -
Ganesh Hegde
💰 5 Lucky winners $10 each -
Koushik, Rohit, Ajith, Samantak, Shaurya

Please DM @saflenaut along with a Tweet link of your designed infographic and complete a small given task to receive your rewards.

Safle 🔗

Website | GitHub

Discord | Twitter | Instagram | Telegram Ann | Telegram Chat | LinkedIn | Medium | Reddit