Minter Capital (English)
8 subscribers
14 photos
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Masternode PubKey

0-1% commission for CAPITAL coin delegated stake; 0-6% commission for other coins stake (weekly cashback)
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Forwarded from Minterscan EN
🗳 Voting for BIP listing on Hotbit

On May 29, at 08:00 by UTC, the 3rd round of voting on the token listing on the Hotbit cryptocurrency exchange ended.

🏆 With a margin of ~1,3M votes, BIP won!
🙋‍♂️ Number of voters: ~2700 people!

BIP gets free listing
on the exchange. All voters will share the prize pool of 500,000 BIP as a reward for participation in proportion to the number of votes cast.

🎉 Congratulations to the entire community!
💪 We did it together!

🔴 MinterID is Live!

can already become one of the MinterID’s first users:

Sign in and invite your friends. The higher your ranking, the sooner you’ll get access to the following options:

Log in to other services provided by Minter and partners
Try out early features and beta versions of Minter products
Take part in airdrops organized by the new projects
Submit your work and get awarded with a grant in the POP coin
Participate in competitions and hackathons held by MDF
Fill out a promo grant application form
Host your project’s blog on the domain
Publish your project’s demo in Demo Park
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Set profile visibility as “Public” to raise your status
Undergo a free KYC procedure
Connect your Minter address
... And many more
Commission for Minter Capital delegators:

6% all coins
(for stakes until 1 January)

Reminder about permanent offer for decrease commission:
1% commission on all coins given that you re-delegate whole rewards in any coins, or only half rewards in CAPITAL
commission on all coins given that you re-delegate whole rewards in CAPITAL
Today 19 Oct at 10:51 UTC Minter will be stopped by validators on block 4150001. It will be down for maintenance for 1 hour.

New Minter 1.2 will be launched from 1-st block. Transactions history from the previous blockchain will be available on (same as version 1.0).
Minter has just updated to the version 1.2! 🚀
Main is active, Minter team and other teams are currently working on updating wallets and services.

Cashback payouts from our masternode will be resumed as soon as possible. As always, rewards for every past block will be taken into account.
Cashback payments have been resumed for Minter Capital delegators. Today all payments for the previous days were sent.
Minter updated to version 1.2.1

All transactions fees have been temporarily increased x100 to counter spam transactions. I.e.
1 BIP — send
10 BIP — buy/sell coin
20 BIP — delegate/unbound

In Minter 2.0 the commission value will change dynamically.
🧀 Delegate ZOLOTO → get 10% rewards
→ win 🔥100 000 BIP


1️⃣ Delegate 1 ZOLOTO or more to get 10% cashback
2️⃣ You get 1 ticket for every 10 ZOLOTO delegated, to participate in the draw with prize 100 000 BIP. More tickets — more chances to win!

Timings from 7 to 28 February
Only stakes in validator Minter Capital get into account
Payouts and fair play will be held on 1 March
Payouts of 10% ZOLOTO will be sent two equal parts, each of which must be delegated

This is a spreadsheet where you can see your reward and tickets in real-time:
(auto update every 10 minutes)
ZOLOTO contest draw results

Congratulate the winner! 👏👏👏

Total prize 💰 100 000 BIP 💰

[ Proof | Payout ]
(the second payout will be sent 10 March)
Forwarded from Denis Matveev
Forwarded from Denis Matveev

1) Visit the;

2) Paste your SEED Phrase from Eth/Bsc wallet to create mirror addres at Minter chain. Or creat one with new SEED Phrase. Pls, right it down to secret place;

3) Tap «Deposit & Withdraw» to transfer you currencies from Eth. Bridge between Minter and Bsc will be open soon;

4) Track the page at the bottom and connect your Eth wallet using: MetaMask, Trust Wallet and other;

5) Choose your optimal token which want to transfer: ETH, USDT, UCDC, BTC, BUSDE, DAI and other. Each one can be transfered in Minter chain to ARCONA;

6) Check all fees:
– 1% for bridge work. 0% if you plan transfer the token «HUB». Exactly, you can transfer «Hub» into Minter to ARCONA for lowest fees;
– Fee for Eth transaction. Depend from time of using the ETH chain.

7) Check your avaible transfer transaction and wait till «Success»;

8) Go to «Swap»;

9) Take the reason for buying the «ARCONA» for your transfered tokens.

There is! You've got the tokens ARCONA in Minter chain with lowest price, fast transacrions and lowest fees!

When bridge'll open you could transfered you main tokens to Bsc. Eth bridge already open!
How to lock wallet to increase rewards from delegation by 3 times.

1. Open your wallet in web console or download it's desktop version
2. Open "Delegation" tab
3. At the bottom of the section click "Lock"

The lock applies to the entire wallet and consists in the fact that it's impossible to send an UNBOND transaction during 3 years. But you can move stakes between nodes and add new coints to the delegation. And sure you can execute any other operations like send coins and manipulate pools.

You should send lock transaction only once. Additional executions just updates a time of the lock ending. After that you will start receive x3 more rewards.

Note that with the latest network update rewards do not return to your wallet anymore, but they automatically increase your delegated BIP stake.