Sometimes our support superhero, Jacobo, likes to make the rest of us envious of the beautiful scenery he has nearby. 😍
Pictured in Laguna de Yambo, Ecuador. 📷
#LagunadeYambo #Ecuador #Beautiful #RemoteWork our support superhero, Jacobo, likes to make the rest of us 5128409 Sometimes our support superhero, Jacobo, likes to make the rest of us envious of the beautiful scenery he has nearby.
Pictured in Laguna de Yambo, Ecuador. 📷
#LagunadeYambo #Ecuador #Beautiful #RemoteWork our support superhero, Jacobo, likes to make the rest of us 5128409 Sometimes our support superhero, Jacobo, likes to make the rest of us envious of the beautiful scenery he has nearby.
September 6, 2021