European State of the Climate report from CopernicusECMWF
Record #rainfall in #Europe, driven by heavy precipitation events like Storm Alex (Oct)
But big swings from wet (winter) to dry (spring), with widespread impacts
#EarthDay State of the Climate report from CopernicusECMWF
Record #rainfall in #Europe, driven by heavy precipitation events like Storm Alex (Oct)
But 2670891 European State of the Climate report from CopernicusECMWF
Record #rainfall in #Europe, driven
Record #rainfall in #Europe, driven by heavy precipitation events like Storm Alex (Oct)
But big swings from wet (winter) to dry (spring), with widespread impacts
#EarthDay State of the Climate report from CopernicusECMWF
Record #rainfall in #Europe, driven by heavy precipitation events like Storm Alex (Oct)
But 2670891 European State of the Climate report from CopernicusECMWF
Record #rainfall in #Europe, driven
June 10, 2021